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Looking for an easy weeknight pasta recipe? Want to know what I'm making right now? Follow along with all of the latest happenings from The Pasta Queen HQ. 



Are you looking to step up your cooking game? Quality food starts with quality cookware. My solid copper and stainless steel cookware collection are handcrafted in Italy by master artisans at Ruffoni with the help of the Pasta Gods. I’ve used these pots and pans for years, making hundreds of pasta recipes. Pass these down to your future generations. It will be the only cookware your family needs for decades.

Second to my passion for high-quality cookware is my love affair with all things fashion. Take a look at the beautiful Pasta Queen merch collection so you, too, can wear your heart (i.e., favorite pasta) on your sleeve.


Visiting Rome? Introducing Nadia’s Guide to The Eternal City! In this curated guide, you will find ALL of my favorite off-the-beaten-path spots in and around Rome, my hometown. For instance, as a teenager, I would wake up early in the morning with a view of St. Peter’s Cupola and catch the local bus to Campo de’ Fiori (translation: a field of flowers). This is the oldest farmer’s market in Rome, which has been open since 1869 and happens to be located right next to my high school.

My favorite pit stop was a family-owned bakery called Antico Forno di Campo de’ Fiori to snag their famous Pizza Bianca, which I promptly packed in my schoolbag to save for a mid-morning snack. “Ciao Nadia!” Fabrizio greeted me, the man running the place, with a lovely conversation about what the day might have in store for us; after all, Romans are family. Antico Forno di Campo de Fiori is the kind of place I want you all to experience, and Pizza Bianca is a must-try. They still serve it today as they did 150 years ago. So, whether you are planning your first trip to The Eternal City or are heading back after a long time, this lovingly curated guide has something for everyone. There are insider tips on traveling around the city, where to stay, the best caffé in town, some of my favorite trattorias, and more. 

As you travel through this incredible city and visit the places in this guide, don’t forget to mention The Pasta Queen sent you. They, too, are members of the Family, and you never know what surprise may be in store for you. La Famiglia è tutto